Click on any of the upcoming events below to learn more information or to register online! If you call to register for a class, please leave a message with your name, name of class and a good phone number to return your call. Stop back often, as class/event information may be updated or more classes/events may be added.
COME and PAINT!!!with us while enjoying your favorite beverage (Please feel free to bring your own beverage and drinking utensil).
FAMILIES and GROUPSare welcome to join us for a few hours of FUN!!!
WHAT:Slush & Brush - A Flowering Landscape
WHEN: Thursday, March 20, 2025
TIME: 6:30 - 8:30 pm
PRICE: $15 or $20 ... depending on the size of canvas you choose -- All materials included. ... PRE-PAYMENT is required (the night of the class is good).
INSTRUCTOR: Joan Schultz
WHERE: Plum Creek Art Center, 115 W Main St., Fredericksburg, IA 50630
visiting our website,, and put the class in your shopping cart,
calling 563.412.6000 and leave a message
emailing to let us know you would like to join us that night.
COME and PAINT!!!with us while enjoying your favorite beverage (Please feel free to bring your own beverage and drinking utensil).
FAMILIES and GROUPSare welcome to join us for a few hours of FUN!!!
WHAT:Slush & Brush - Together
WHEN: Thursday, April 17, 2025
TIME: 6:30 - 8:30 pm
PRICE: $15 or $20 ... depending on the size of canvas you choose -- All materials included. ... PRE-PAYMENT is required (the night of the class is good).
INSTRUCTOR: Joan Schultz
WHERE: Plum Creek Art Center, 115 W Main St., Fredericksburg, IA 50630
visiting our website,, and put the class in your shopping cart,
calling 563.412.6000 and leave a message
emailing to let us know you would like to join us that night.
calling 563.412.6000 or emailing
All materials included.
Bring your ideas and imagination!!
PRE-PAYMENT is required for all classes, but can be done the day of class.
Pre-payment is required for all classes, which can be done online by adding the class to your cart, coming into the Gallery prior to or on the day of class.
Keep an out for Future Classes!!!
"Join us to enjoy life’s creative pleasures at Plum Creek Art Center!!"
Plum Creek Art
115 W Main Street | Fredericksburg, IA 50630